Waste Management

Food & beverage (F&B) manufacturing generates both solid and liquid waste (effluent). Guided by our Environmental, Safety and Health Policy and the principles of a circular economy, we strive continuously to reduce the amount of waste produced, and to recycle as much of the waste we generate as possible. We also apply strict standards over the quality of our effluent discharge.

Our aspiration for ‘zero discharge, zero waste and zero landfill’ starts from each individual. As such, we organise activities to enhance environmental awareness among our employees through communication platforms such as the Intranet, emails and internal recycling programmes.

Circular Economy & Waste
Circular Economy and Waste


  • 100% of industrial sludge from our dairy plants in Thailand and Malaysia is converted into organic fertiliser and distributed to local farmers.
  • Wastewater from our industrial effluent treatment plants in Malaysia and Thailand is treated and repurposed for general cleaning purposes and watering of plants. We also reuse treated wastewater in our cooling system in our plants.
  • At our Pulau Indah plant, 100% of recyclables are sent for recycling while kitchen waste is sent for composting.
  • At our Shah Alam plant, all aluminium, bottles and cartons are recycled and kitchen waste is composted. A future initiative that we are looking forward to undertaking is new technology for soya extraction which utilises the leftover okara (soy pulp).
Our 2025 Commitment
Waste Management
  • Reduce solid waste sent to landfill by 30% from 2020 by 2025
Waste Disposal from FY2020 – FY2023
Total waste recycled/reused MT 11,340 10,811 9,950 10,506
Total waste disposed 1,146 1,186 1,471 1,398
  • Waste landfilled
1,050 1,091 1,344 1,127
  • Waste incinerated with energy recovery
96 95 126 271
  • Waste incinerated without energy recovery
0 0 1 0
Food Loss and Waste