Health & Nutrition

Part of our brand promise, namely Pure Goodness, is about ensuring our products are good for health. Other than to adhere to all relevant standards on product safety, we have a Nutrition Charter that outlines our commitment to developing products that are healthy for consumers.

Nutrition Charter

The F&N Nutrition Charter outlines our commitment to developing products that are healthy for consumers and it guides us throughout product development. The principles of the Nutrition Charter are:

Our 2025 Commitment
  • 67% of beverage (excluding Cordial) and dairy (excluding Canned Milk) products (based on formulation) are in compliance with Nutritional Guidelines by 2025

Since 2004, we have been reducing the sugar content of our beverages while further enhancing the nutritional value of our products through the addition of health-enhancing ingredients such as vitamins and mineral. This has contributed to a 51% reduction in our sugar index in FY2023 against FY20213. Meanwhile, the number of products that bear the Healthier Choice symbol and logo continues to increase.

In FY2021, we further affirmed our commitment to promoting healthy lives and lifestyles with the introduction of new Nutrition Guidelines based on the World Health Organization (WHO)’s recommendations that:

  • all products should be free from trans fatty acids
  • >70% of our products should contain less than 5% added sugar

Click here to read the F&N Nutrition Guidelines.

While our R&D team works towards developing a healthier product portfolio, our Scientific and Regulatory Affairs department under Group R&D ensures our formulations, ingredients used and nutrition labels comply with relevant industry regulations.

F&N actively participated as an industry committee during Malaysia Nutrition Month 2022, aligning with the Ministry of Health’s initiative to advocate for and promote Healthier Choice products to the public.

We collaborate closely with reputable third-party institutions, including universities and nutrition institutes, to empower the public with valuable nutrition information. These initiatives aim to enhance public awareness and knowledge about nutrition, enabling them to make informed and healthier purchasing decisions. Some notable collaborations include:

i) In collaboration with Universiti Malaysia Sabah’s Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition, we shared essential insights about the importance of hydration and practical tips for staying adequately hydrated. Link to the article

ii) We partnered with the Sport Nutrition Academy Malaysia to deliver crucial information on the significance of hydration during sports activities. Link to the resource

Moreover, F&N has been committed to nurturing the future talents of the industry by actively engaging with university students. Our involvement has extended to activities such as:

a) Acting as Industry Consultants at the University Malaysia Sabah & USCI, where we provided invaluable industry insights on employee hiring criteria and quality.

b) Serving as Judges for Product Development Competitions at the University College Sedaya International Malaysia, leveraging our industry experience and knowledge to assist students in improving their product concepts.

c) Acting as Guest Lecturer at the University College Sedaya International Malaysia, where we shared our expertise on food regulations from an industry perspective, enriching students’ understanding of this crucial aspect.

d) Invited speaker to share Food Safety & Audit from industry perspective during Persidangan Juruaudit Skim Pensijilan Program Jaminan Keselamatan Makanan Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia 2024. This has facilitated the knowledge exchange between industry and authority in ways to improve the Malaysia future food safety landscape.

e) Working closely with MOH to set the sugar reduction target for concentrated beverage and future Nutrigrade declaration on packaging to help consumer better identify healthier products.

f) Journal & research collaboration such as:

The Effect of Beetroot Ingestion on High-Intensity Interval Training: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis October 2021 Wong Tak Hiong
The effects of nitrate ingestion on high-intensity endurance time-trial performance: A systematic review and meta-analysis July 2022 Wong Tak Hiong
Sensory Analysis for Cow Milk Product Development Using High Pressure Processing (HPP) in the Dairy Industry April 2022 Tay Cheow Hwang & Wong Tak Hiong

(in collaboration with Universiti Putra Malaysia)

Microbiological, Physicochemical and Nutritional Properties of Fresh Cow Milk Treated with Industrial High-Pressure Processing (HPP) during Storage January 2023 Tay Cheow Hwang & Wong Tak Hiong

(in collaboration with Universiti Putra Malaysia)

Metabolomics-Driven Comparison of the Nutritional and Functional Food Characteristics of Postbiotic and Probiotic Okara July 2023 Clarisse Tay & Dr Yap Peng Kang

(in collaboration with F&N-NTU Lab)

F&N is dedicated to promoting not only Healthier Choice products but also a healthier and more informed society by actively participating in education and collaboration initiatives.

While our Research & Development (R&D) team works towards developing a healthier product portfolio, our Scientific and Regulatory Affairs department under Group R&D ensures our formulations, ingredients used and nutrition labels comply with relevant country regulations.